Here are a few more quick photos related to this trip. These are all above the water. If you want to see the fantastic life "under the sea", please go check out Bill Goodwin's website (see last posting).
It rained several days just on one end of the island, briefly, and then the sun shone the rest of the day.... except for one day close to the end of the trip when it POURED.
The mosquitos were more abundant this year!!Hmmm,so now this fall I have been stung by Texas mosquitos threatening me with West Nile Virus, then African mosquitos for whom we took the typhoid vaccine and then the Caribbean mosquitos who carry dengue fever. Such adventure!!

One of the outdoor restaurants we ate at several times!
More animals.

Yes, I am posting pictures of grocery carts, but only because these were so interesting. There is a swanky new Dutch grocery store that opened since our trip last year. You had to put a quarter into a slot at the front of the handle (our friend Jay is demonstrating). That then allows you to pull out the key from the other side of the handle and take your cart into the rest of the store. When you are through shopping, you simple pushed your car back into the line of carts, reinstalled the key hanging from the first basket in line and out popped your quarter.
There were no baskets littering their parking lot. However, you had to carry your own groceries out to you car in big bags or you had to bring the cart all the way back into the store to be able to retrieve your basket.
And then, there were the sunsets.
Every night, this was the view from our porch.
After the sun set you could see the lights from the big dock where the tankers pulled up to load up with oil. We saw more tankers this year coming and going than we ever saw in previous visits. For a couple of days a big supertanker even docked there to fill up.
All in all - another great trip!